I planted my garden today!
Over the winter I had been dreaming and thinking that I wanted to have a fairly substantial garden. At the first inking of Spring, I started planning what I would grow and if it would even materialize. In the past, I have had what one might consider a joke of a garden. I would plant 5 or 6 tomato plants and maybe an odd pepper plant just for the fun of it. The first year I did it was the first year Darrell and I were married. I planted a few tomatoes and was slightly successful. During that time I was also pregnant with Ava. For some reason, going to look at the tomatoes always made me feel better when the nausea was getting to me. It also created a huge diversion to green vegetables for me too.....Don't know why, but it was weird. I think I associated green tomatoes with throwing up which really made me hate green things. The sight of a green pepper would instantly make me sick. That lasted for a while even after she was born. I also had a severe craving for home canned tomatoes. That summer I learned to can my own and produced many many quarts of tomatoes.
The past 2 summers of gardening were rather pathetic. I think I might have gotten one tomato from my weak little garden last year. I'm sure that planting them in the shade might have been a factor in poor tomato production!
This year is going to be different.
I am going to grow so many vegetables that neighbors are going to come from far and wide just to sample from the graves garden.....hopefully!!
I am proud of the work that I accomplished today. Thanks to my dear ole' dad for tilling the ground for me. I ended up renting a gigantic tiller that got the job done! Dad didn't think it was a good idea for me to use the tiller since I am 5 months pregnant....
I did manage to plant every single plant in the garden. It was rough on the back and legs and I sure had to pee a lot, but it's finished. I just pray for a bountiful harvest!
Over the winter I had been dreaming and thinking that I wanted to have a fairly substantial garden. At the first inking of Spring, I started planning what I would grow and if it would even materialize. In the past, I have had what one might consider a joke of a garden. I would plant 5 or 6 tomato plants and maybe an odd pepper plant just for the fun of it. The first year I did it was the first year Darrell and I were married. I planted a few tomatoes and was slightly successful. During that time I was also pregnant with Ava. For some reason, going to look at the tomatoes always made me feel better when the nausea was getting to me. It also created a huge diversion to green vegetables for me too.....Don't know why, but it was weird. I think I associated green tomatoes with throwing up which really made me hate green things. The sight of a green pepper would instantly make me sick. That lasted for a while even after she was born. I also had a severe craving for home canned tomatoes. That summer I learned to can my own and produced many many quarts of tomatoes.
The past 2 summers of gardening were rather pathetic. I think I might have gotten one tomato from my weak little garden last year. I'm sure that planting them in the shade might have been a factor in poor tomato production!
This year is going to be different.
I am going to grow so many vegetables that neighbors are going to come from far and wide just to sample from the graves garden.....hopefully!!
I am proud of the work that I accomplished today. Thanks to my dear ole' dad for tilling the ground for me. I ended up renting a gigantic tiller that got the job done! Dad didn't think it was a good idea for me to use the tiller since I am 5 months pregnant....
I did manage to plant every single plant in the garden. It was rough on the back and legs and I sure had to pee a lot, but it's finished. I just pray for a bountiful harvest!
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