Since I have been pregnant, I have been eating all kinds of weird things. I am talking about foods that I have hated for most of my life. For instance, at this moment as I sit here an type, I am eating horseradish and cocktail sauce on crackers...It's freakin' delicious! I just wish I could have a raw oyster with it.
For as long as I can remember, I have HATED beets, sauerkraut, and turnip greens, but lately I cannot get enough. The first bite of sauerkraut is like that proverbial choir of angels singing. I could eat the whole can of it, but I don't because of the salt.
The craving that has been a lot different with this pregnancy than my first. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I ate carbs carbs carbs and lots of ice cream. I would wake up in the middle of the night and gorge on Mayfield birthday cake ice cream or Whitehouse Cherry. This time I could care less if there is anything sweet in this house or not. I guess it's a good thing, I mean I do eat lots and lots of salads with Italian dressing or cucumbers and tomatoes soaked in Italian dressing. ok, maybe the Italian dressing thing isn't so good, but it's better than all that ice cream! I am also quite pleased that I have only gained 2 or 3 pounds. By this time last pregnancy, I believe I was up 18 lbs.
Did you have any weirdo cravings?
That's just super gross. Pregnancies are so werd:)
All I craved with the little one was BLT's. I'm surprised my arteries aren't clogged.
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