I must do my good deed for the day. I have to warn my dearest readers about a mistake I made yesterday. I almost killed myself in Target parking lot. Yes, I know, Target parking lot might be an ideal place to die, that is if you like Target as much as I do, but not even I want to meet my sweet lord at Target. I could think of places much better than that.
Anywho, while I was wandering the aisles of Target, I thought I better get a few road trip snacks for when we go on vacation. I always get the Archer Farms snacks for our trips to Florida. I'm not sure why, it just kind of my own personal weirdo tradition, I'm sure you have some of those traditions as well. I get 2 or 3 bags of Asian Rice Cracker and chocolate chip trail mix. Now, the reality of me keeping a bag of rice crackers unopened until the trip is unrealistic, so in typical fashion, I opened a bag as soon as I got to the car. I got my first handful and put them in my mouth. I am usually a little careful not to get too many of the wasabi covered crackers (the green ones) but this time, I just wasn't paying enough attention. Well, the first bite was nice, but the second bite was when I saw my short life go down the drain. It was a wasabi cracker that had waaaaaayyy toooooo much wasabi on it. ( If you're not familiar with wasabi, it is Japanese horseradish.) If you have ever eaten too big of a bite of American horseradish, you will know what I am talking about. I felt a rush of hot something blow through my nose and throat and I started to choke. It was so hot, it made me puke all over myself! I couldn't catch my breath and thought I was going to croak right there on the spot. Fortunately, I had gone to Kohls right before I went to Target because someone told me that they had some "cute" maternity clothes. They did and I had bought a cute little dress. So, I then had to climb to the back of the van and change clothes in the middle of Target parking lot. I recovered enough to make it to Toys R Us and Old Navy. So, here's you're warning. If you much try Archer Farms Asian Rice Crackers, watch out for the green ones!
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