Wednesday, May 7, 2008

booger truck

Ava: Knock Knock
Me: whose there?
Ava: Booger
Me:Booger: who?
Ava:Booger truck

Ava: Knock Knock
Me: Whose there?
Ava: Chair
Me: Chair who?

We have discovered knock knock jokes at our house. We tell them in the car, at Wal-Mart, in the shower, in the tub, at the table, anywhere you might think of. I think they are a little bit more funny because she tries so hard to come up with a punchline. She has no idea that it is supposed to make a little sense, but I guess that will come with time. You know when she gets that book of knock knock jokes from the school book order thing. I am ready for many more years of those darn good jokes.

Yesterday we had to take our new van to the Honda dealership in Franklin. I had to drop off our old title and there was a slight glitch with one of the sliding doors. What was supposed to take 5 minutes to fix, ended up taking 3 hours! I thought I was going to go out of my mind being stuck at a car dealership for 3 hours with a three year old!! Sadly, Ava's behavior was much better than my own. She played in the playroom and told knock knock jokes for hours. I on the other hand wanted to cuss and kick everyone that worked there. Don't get me wrong, they were very nice and helpful. I am just hormonal and impatient. Everything worked out in the end. My door was fixed and we were on our way.
Sometimes I need to remind myself that I should just be thankful instead of impatient.


kasandria said...

Enjoyed reading your blog! We have regular knock knock jokes here as well and they never make sense lol. :)


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