Ava: Knock Knock
Me: whose there?
Ava: Booger
Me:Booger: who?
Ava:Booger truck
Ava: Knock Knock
Me: Whose there?
Ava: Chair
Me: Chair who?
Ava: Chair...ummmm....dog
We have discovered knock knock jokes at our house. We tell them in the car, at Wal-Mart, in the shower, in the tub, at the table, anywhere you might think of. I think they are a little bit more funny because she tries so hard to come up with a punchline. She has no idea that it is supposed to make a little sense, but I guess that will come with time. You know when she gets that book of knock knock jokes from the school book order thing. I am ready for many more years of those darn good jokes.
Yesterday we had to take our new van to the Honda dealership in Franklin. I had to drop off our old title and there was a slight glitch with one of the sliding doors. What was supposed to take 5 minutes to fix, ended up taking 3 hours! I thought I was going to go out of my mind being stuck at a car dealership for 3 hours with a three year old!! Sadly, Ava's behavior was much better than my own. She played in the playroom and told knock knock jokes for hours. I on the other hand wanted to cuss and kick everyone that worked there. Don't get me wrong, they were very nice and helpful. I am just hormonal and impatient. Everything worked out in the end. My door was fixed and we were on our way.
Sometimes I need to remind myself that I should just be thankful instead of impatient.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Warning! Warning! Warning!

I must do my good deed for the day. I have to warn my dearest readers about a mistake I made yesterday. I almost killed myself in Target parking lot. Yes, I know, Target parking lot might be an ideal place to die, that is if you like Target as much as I do, but not even I want to meet my sweet lord at Target. I could think of places much better than that.
Anywho, while I was wandering the aisles of Target, I thought I better get a few road trip snacks for when we go on vacation. I always get the Archer Farms snacks for our trips to Florida. I'm not sure why, it just kind of my own personal weirdo tradition, I'm sure you have some of those traditions as well. I get 2 or 3 bags of Asian Rice Cracker and chocolate chip trail mix. Now, the reality of me keeping a bag of rice crackers unopened until the trip is unrealistic, so in typical fashion, I opened a bag as soon as I got to the car. I got my first handful and put them in my mouth. I am usually a little careful not to get too many of the wasabi covered crackers (the green ones) but this time, I just wasn't paying enough attention. Well, the first bite was nice, but the second bite was when I saw my short life go down the drain. It was a wasabi cracker that had waaaaaayyy toooooo much wasabi on it. ( If you're not familiar with wasabi, it is Japanese horseradish.) If you have ever eaten too big of a bite of American horseradish, you will know what I am talking about. I felt a rush of hot something blow through my nose and throat and I started to choke. It was so hot, it made me puke all over myself! I couldn't catch my breath and thought I was going to croak right there on the spot. Fortunately, I had gone to Kohls right before I went to Target because someone told me that they had some "cute" maternity clothes. They did and I had bought a cute little dress. So, I then had to climb to the back of the van and change clothes in the middle of Target parking lot. I recovered enough to make it to Toys R Us and Old Navy. So, here's you're warning. If you much try Archer Farms Asian Rice Crackers, watch out for the green ones!
Monday, April 28, 2008

Since I have been pregnant, I have been eating all kinds of weird things. I am talking about foods that I have hated for most of my life. For instance, at this moment as I sit here an type, I am eating horseradish and cocktail sauce on crackers...It's freakin' delicious! I just wish I could have a raw oyster with it.
For as long as I can remember, I have HATED beets, sauerkraut, and turnip greens, but lately I cannot get enough. The first bite of sauerkraut is like that proverbial choir of angels singing. I could eat the whole can of it, but I don't because of the salt.
The craving that has been a lot different with this pregnancy than my first. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I ate carbs carbs carbs and lots of ice cream. I would wake up in the middle of the night and gorge on Mayfield birthday cake ice cream or Whitehouse Cherry. This time I could care less if there is anything sweet in this house or not. I guess it's a good thing, I mean I do eat lots and lots of salads with Italian dressing or cucumbers and tomatoes soaked in Italian dressing. ok, maybe the Italian dressing thing isn't so good, but it's better than all that ice cream! I am also quite pleased that I have only gained 2 or 3 pounds. By this time last pregnancy, I believe I was up 18 lbs.
Did you have any weirdo cravings?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Mary Mary Quite Contrary

I planted my garden today!
Over the winter I had been dreaming and thinking that I wanted to have a fairly substantial garden. At the first inking of Spring, I started planning what I would grow and if it would even materialize. In the past, I have had what one might consider a joke of a garden. I would plant 5 or 6 tomato plants and maybe an odd pepper plant just for the fun of it. The first year I did it was the first year Darrell and I were married. I planted a few tomatoes and was slightly successful. During that time I was also pregnant with Ava. For some reason, going to look at the tomatoes always made me feel better when the nausea was getting to me. It also created a huge diversion to green vegetables for me too.....Don't know why, but it was weird. I think I associated green tomatoes with throwing up which really made me hate green things. The sight of a green pepper would instantly make me sick. That lasted for a while even after she was born. I also had a severe craving for home canned tomatoes. That summer I learned to can my own and produced many many quarts of tomatoes.
The past 2 summers of gardening were rather pathetic. I think I might have gotten one tomato from my weak little garden last year. I'm sure that planting them in the shade might have been a factor in poor tomato production!
This year is going to be different.
I am going to grow so many vegetables that neighbors are going to come from far and wide just to sample from the graves garden.....hopefully!!
I am proud of the work that I accomplished today. Thanks to my dear ole' dad for tilling the ground for me. I ended up renting a gigantic tiller that got the job done! Dad didn't think it was a good idea for me to use the tiller since I am 5 months pregnant....
I did manage to plant every single plant in the garden. It was rough on the back and legs and I sure had to pee a lot, but it's finished. I just pray for a bountiful harvest!
Over the winter I had been dreaming and thinking that I wanted to have a fairly substantial garden. At the first inking of Spring, I started planning what I would grow and if it would even materialize. In the past, I have had what one might consider a joke of a garden. I would plant 5 or 6 tomato plants and maybe an odd pepper plant just for the fun of it. The first year I did it was the first year Darrell and I were married. I planted a few tomatoes and was slightly successful. During that time I was also pregnant with Ava. For some reason, going to look at the tomatoes always made me feel better when the nausea was getting to me. It also created a huge diversion to green vegetables for me too.....Don't know why, but it was weird. I think I associated green tomatoes with throwing up which really made me hate green things. The sight of a green pepper would instantly make me sick. That lasted for a while even after she was born. I also had a severe craving for home canned tomatoes. That summer I learned to can my own and produced many many quarts of tomatoes.
The past 2 summers of gardening were rather pathetic. I think I might have gotten one tomato from my weak little garden last year. I'm sure that planting them in the shade might have been a factor in poor tomato production!
This year is going to be different.
I am going to grow so many vegetables that neighbors are going to come from far and wide just to sample from the graves garden.....hopefully!!
I am proud of the work that I accomplished today. Thanks to my dear ole' dad for tilling the ground for me. I ended up renting a gigantic tiller that got the job done! Dad didn't think it was a good idea for me to use the tiller since I am 5 months pregnant....
I did manage to plant every single plant in the garden. It was rough on the back and legs and I sure had to pee a lot, but it's finished. I just pray for a bountiful harvest!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Crib Bedding

I am on the search for the "perfect" crib bedding. I have searched online and in a few stores, but have yet to find the one that I know will work. I am soooo not into animals, teddy bears, cartoonish flowers and butterflies. I'm just not a theme kind of person. I have also discovered that if you're having a little girl, pink and green is very very popular.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, pink and green were the colors that I chose for her room. It was cute and very girly. When we moved from our first house, I chose green again for her room. This time, I am over it. I just bought a new quilt and stuff for her room, you know she is a big girl now, so we have to do the purple thing.
Back to the subject of the blog-
For this baby, I have no intention of a pink, green, or yellow room. This time I think I am going to go turquoise. In fact, I am into turquoise so much right now that I would paint every room in my house a different shade of the color. I'm not sure what the deal is with me and blues these days, but it's workin' for me.
I probably put way too much thought into this stuff, it is pretty trivial, but I feel like if I am going to be looking at it everyday I might as well like it. I am also on some kind of decorating binge. It's fun!
The pictures at the top are my favorites at the moment, Tell me what you think.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Fruity Chicken Salad

I have to share this new recipe with you. I found it as I was searching looking through one of my books and I am quite sad that I haven't noticed it before. It's perfect for me because I have craved salads since I have been pregnant. This one isn't so healthy though, the dressing has way too much sugar in it, but it makes it soooo goood!
Fruity Chicken Salad
3/4 c. sugar
1/3 c. red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 c. vegetable oil ( I used one of those vegi oil subsitutes)
1 Tablespoon Poppy seeds
3 c. chopped cooked chicken
6 c. torn spinach ( I use organic baby spinach)
1 qt. fresh strawberries, sliced
3 kiwis peeled and chopped
1 c. sliced almonds (it says to toast them but I am way too lazy to deal with that)
Process first 5 ingredients in blender until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides.
Turn blender on high, add oil in a slow steady stream. Pour mixture into a serving bowl and pour in poppy seeds.
Toss together chicken and dressing. Chill until ready to be served.
Place spinach on individual serving plates, top with fruit and chicken mixture.
add almonds (I dump everything into a large bowl. At my house you serve yourself....Get your own salad and put your own dressing on it. If you don't like the special dressing, get the Ranch out of the fridge.)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Something and Nothing
I am in love with the weather!
The past 2 or 3 days have been super for flower planting and gardening. I have probably made more of a mess than actual productive gardening, but who cares? The sun is out and it's WARM outside!
I have managed to complete 6 window boxes on the front of my house, two on the side and two more are in the works for the back windows. It's been difficult to find just the right flowers for the front because it is so hot out there. This year, I think it will have success with panseys and sweet potatoe vines.
Wow....this topic is pretty boring, isn't it....
In other news, Ava has announced that she wants to name her little sister "little egg."
I'm not sure where is picked that one up, but it's cute.
Well, instead of boring you to death, I think I will end this post here. It's been a pretty calm day.
The past 2 or 3 days have been super for flower planting and gardening. I have probably made more of a mess than actual productive gardening, but who cares? The sun is out and it's WARM outside!
I have managed to complete 6 window boxes on the front of my house, two on the side and two more are in the works for the back windows. It's been difficult to find just the right flowers for the front because it is so hot out there. This year, I think it will have success with panseys and sweet potatoe vines.
Wow....this topic is pretty boring, isn't it....
In other news, Ava has announced that she wants to name her little sister "little egg."
I'm not sure where is picked that one up, but it's cute.
Well, instead of boring you to death, I think I will end this post here. It's been a pretty calm day.
Monday, April 21, 2008
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