I am on the search for the "perfect" crib bedding. I have searched online and in a few stores, but have yet to find the one that I know will work. I am soooo not into animals, teddy bears, cartoonish flowers and butterflies. I'm just not a theme kind of person. I have also discovered that if you're having a little girl, pink and green is very very popular.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, pink and green were the colors that I chose for her room. It was cute and very girly. When we moved from our first house, I chose green again for her room. This time, I am over it. I just bought a new quilt and stuff for her room, you know she is a big girl now, so we have to do the purple thing.
Back to the subject of the blog-
For this baby, I have no intention of a pink, green, or yellow room. This time I think I am going to go turquoise. In fact, I am into turquoise so much right now that I would paint every room in my house a different shade of the color. I'm not sure what the deal is with me and blues these days, but it's workin' for me.
I probably put way too much thought into this stuff, it is pretty trivial, but I feel like if I am going to be looking at it everyday I might as well like it. I am also on some kind of decorating binge. It's fun!
The pictures at the top are my favorites at the moment, Tell me what you think.
I like both of these, especially the walls being turquoise! Have you been to the Gingham store in Nashville? I have heard they have great unique stuff.
We have 2 girls and I did alot of Purple colors...but you are right, pink and green are really popular right now. I thought about painting the girl's room (when it is finished being remodeled) a pink color with the green polka dots (large ones). Good luck finding the perfect bedding!
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